Friday, June 12, 2009

Why Fad Diets Are Never A Good Thing

JUST ABOUT WOMEN - Just about women (posting by womenomenblog)
The truth about diets is that they do not work. If you have struggled with weight loss in the past like I have, getting rid of the fat permanently, I know you too have been through too many diet fads.

Why Diets Do Not Work

75% of why we over eat is mental, but diet programs never take this fact into account. And what about the bad eating habits we have developed over years and years. And even the emotional attachment some of us have to food. The truth about diets is that losing weight is one thing, but unless the root cause of the weight gain is dealt with, the weight will come back

Temporary dieting is just that, temporary. 85% of people that engage in these "Fad" diets gain back their weight within 6 months of ending the diet and usually surpass their original weight within a year.

The diet and fitness business is a trillion dollar a year business now you know why. Most people are always on the lookout for a "magic weight loss pill" so they try new fads hoping they will find it.

Decide to make a change in your lifestyle starting today. This is easier said than done, and it will not be smooth sailing all the way!

It's Time For a Mind Transplant

Changing the way we look at food and how we relate to eating, is the fist step in any lasting weight loss plan. The brothers Bill and Jim from The Biggest Loser talk about this in there "http://www.shockingfatlosssecret.com/weight-loss/truth-about-diets-reviewis-this-just-another-dieting-fad" Program and I agree with them Because it took years to develop these bad eating habits, this will not be "cured" overnight. Look at food as you source of nourishment, do not use food as a comforter.

You may need some professional help in dealing with any depression or emotional imbalance, before you start your weight loss program this should be dealt with.

Get rid of all junk food and all other refined, overly processed foods. Do not allow any snacks, candy bars or non-nutritious food of any type into your home. Plan a list of foods that are healthy, wholesome and nourishing that you can prepare. Get in the habit of buying most of your foods fresh.

Commit to Doing This for Life.

Keep in mind that this is lifetime makeover in your eating habits, not a fad diet. Therefore, instead of cooking white rice, use brown rice; in place of refined, white pasta, eat whole-wheat pasta; instead of snacking on a candy bar, grab a piece of fruit; instead of a sugary beverage, drink water; instead of ice cream, have some non-sweetened, chilled applesauce.

After 6 p.m., do not eat anything or hang out in your kitchen. Leave the kitchen and if you get "snackish," have some fruit or water. Be consistent and repetitive, this is how we replace bad habits with good ones. Do not beat yourself up if you fall off the wagon! Doing so will make you depressed and lead you to eat more. Just get up and resume where you left off before you dropped off the wagon.

Do Not Stuff Yourself!.

You should also pair eating healthy foods with restricting the amount of food you at any given time. Eating less should be done, but you do not want to starve yourself. The body goes into a famine mode if it thinks you are keeping it from food by skipping meals. If you do this, it will become an uphill battle to lose weight, the opposite of what we want.

To lose weight, you should eat two or three meals a day. Eat your meals at the same time everyday and try never to skip breakfast. To keep your portion sizes under control, you should eat breakfast like a king, between 6:30 a.m. - 7:00 a.m. (or earlier), lunch like a queen, around 11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and dinner like a pauper, no later than 6 p.m. This approach trains you to eat smaller portions as you get later in the day

Try to get a baseline of the portion sizes when you first get started, measure the weight of your food and record it. Then over the course of 6 weeks, reduce the amount you eat by 40%. This must be done gradually over the 6 weeks. Most Americans eat over 100% more than they really need, so cut back on those portion sizes

We will not forget exercise, which is a must for keeping weight off. Exercise is a great big topic all by itself and I will talk about this in my nest article.

Proper Nutrition consistent Exercise, adequate Water, Sunshine, Temperance (everything in moderation) fresh Air, enough Rest and most importantly, Trust in God, is your ticket to a NEW START.

JUST ABOUT WOMEN - Just about women (posting by womenomenblog)

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