JUST ABOUT WOMEN - Just about women (posting by womenomenblog)
This question had been asked a dozen times in various places. But the answer is a big no.
Fortunately for you, though, you are not the only one in the world who has those ugly marks on thighs, butt and sometimes, on the chest and face. I know, I know, you are not the only one. But how many have them, anyway? Approximately seventy percent of pregnant women have these unsightly marks, which means that it is very likely that you have someone you know who also has them. See? It's a bit comforting to know you are not the only one who suffers from them, although it is not really comforting at all to still have them despite all the treatments out there. So, what should you do?
If you have stretch marks which you want to conceal right away for a meeting or an important gathering, you can do so. Hide stretch marks by using a smart concealer or cosmetic application to make these marks unnoticeable.
Wearing long clothes like skirts and long-sleeved blouses can also help, although I know you cannot wear such things forever, especially if you want to show some skin.
That is why, even though you cannot really eliminate stretch marks and make your skin go back to the way it was before, you can still address the issue. The next best thing you can at least do is to apply a stretch mark solution to help reduce the visibility of these scars, to make them less noticeable. As a result, you don't have to fret about going sleeveless or wearing shorts in public, because nobody will likely see them clearly anyway. These over-the-counter products are usually sold as stretch mark lotions, gels and any other type of topical application. They commonly have ingredients which claim to repair the scars and eventually make them fade. Vitamins E and K, ginseng, calendula and horsetail are usually found in these stretch mark products. Some are more effective than others, depending on other ingredients and their patented formula used. So, when choosing the right stretch mark cream or product available, make sure that you read both positive and negative reviews on independent magazines and forums, to help you make a wise decision.
Sometimes, it can be frustrating to actually find out in the end that it did not do anything, after weeks and weeks of application. Just remember that it's all part of the quest to reduce these stretch marks. Results do vary, after all. It works on some people, it does not on others.
If you have had stretch marks for a long time, it can mean that you might have them again later in life. Sudden weight gain and pregnancy can cause the skin to stretch and pull to their extent. Since genetics and hormones do play a role as to whether you will get stretch marks or not, that means that getting them is quite beyond your control. Although I admit that I have read stories from real women who had reported not getting any more stretch marks during and after pregnancy through proper diet and preventive stretch mark creams they bought, so maybe you have chances of preventing them next time, despite the stupid genetic factor.
So, while removing stretch marks, as mentioned, is not really at all possible, you can still address the issue by reducing their appearance and making them less seen.
JUST ABOUT WOMEN - Just about women (posting by womenomenblog)
This question had been asked a dozen times in various places. But the answer is a big no.
Fortunately for you, though, you are not the only one in the world who has those ugly marks on thighs, butt and sometimes, on the chest and face. I know, I know, you are not the only one. But how many have them, anyway? Approximately seventy percent of pregnant women have these unsightly marks, which means that it is very likely that you have someone you know who also has them. See? It's a bit comforting to know you are not the only one who suffers from them, although it is not really comforting at all to still have them despite all the treatments out there. So, what should you do?
If you have stretch marks which you want to conceal right away for a meeting or an important gathering, you can do so. Hide stretch marks by using a smart concealer or cosmetic application to make these marks unnoticeable.
Wearing long clothes like skirts and long-sleeved blouses can also help, although I know you cannot wear such things forever, especially if you want to show some skin.
That is why, even though you cannot really eliminate stretch marks and make your skin go back to the way it was before, you can still address the issue. The next best thing you can at least do is to apply a stretch mark solution to help reduce the visibility of these scars, to make them less noticeable. As a result, you don't have to fret about going sleeveless or wearing shorts in public, because nobody will likely see them clearly anyway. These over-the-counter products are usually sold as stretch mark lotions, gels and any other type of topical application. They commonly have ingredients which claim to repair the scars and eventually make them fade. Vitamins E and K, ginseng, calendula and horsetail are usually found in these stretch mark products. Some are more effective than others, depending on other ingredients and their patented formula used. So, when choosing the right stretch mark cream or product available, make sure that you read both positive and negative reviews on independent magazines and forums, to help you make a wise decision.
Sometimes, it can be frustrating to actually find out in the end that it did not do anything, after weeks and weeks of application. Just remember that it's all part of the quest to reduce these stretch marks. Results do vary, after all. It works on some people, it does not on others.
If you have had stretch marks for a long time, it can mean that you might have them again later in life. Sudden weight gain and pregnancy can cause the skin to stretch and pull to their extent. Since genetics and hormones do play a role as to whether you will get stretch marks or not, that means that getting them is quite beyond your control. Although I admit that I have read stories from real women who had reported not getting any more stretch marks during and after pregnancy through proper diet and preventive stretch mark creams they bought, so maybe you have chances of preventing them next time, despite the stupid genetic factor.
So, while removing stretch marks, as mentioned, is not really at all possible, you can still address the issue by reducing their appearance and making them less seen.
JUST ABOUT WOMEN - Just about women (posting by womenomenblog)
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